Bullying is harassing or being mean to another person over and over again. Bullying is a growing problem among kids and teens. Bullying not only damages self-esteem, but could also leave long-lasting blemishes on a persons personality and their ability to foster healthy relationships. Bullying can affect everyone—those who are bullied, those who bully, and those who witness bullying. Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, physical health, substance use, and suicide. It is important to talk to kids to determine whether bullying—or something else—is a concern and that kids talk to adults when they are being bullied or witness others who are.
This past weekend, I spent some time with some young people who have experienced bullying, like many of us have. They shared some of the mean things they have been called, wiped away those words and shared positive affirmations with one another. It was a reminder of the power words have. When the ugly words were written on our beautiful models, they looked different. They expressed a sadness I don’t think they even realized and they could not wait to wash the words away. I heard one of the kids say that their skin felt irritated by the words. When it was time for positive affirmations, there were smiles and laughs. It just felt good.
While the words that have been placed on us throughout our lives aren’t visible, we definitely carry them with us every day and they can be heavy. Sometimes, too heavy. It’s my prayer that we all find someone that will affirm our good traits, remind us of our many talents, skills and abilities and love on us when we find it difficult to love ourselves.
I also hope that we all think twice before we bully someone else in any way and remember the impact it can have on them for days, weeks, months and years to come. Be kind.
If you are looking for ways to help, https://www.stopbullying.gov/
Thank you Traeh Thyssen Have a hearT Foundation for having me capture this beautiful event! Be sure to follow them on Instagram and tune in to the Let's Talk Bullying with Donovan call via Zoom tonight (July 1) at 7pm!
Jul 1, 2020, 4:00:16 PM
Rosalynn Thyssen - Thank you for being a light in the midst of the darkness bullying and hate create. You truly #HaveAhearT
Jul 1, 2020, 3:59:12 PM
Cheryl Whitfield - Thank you my family and children for sharing such wonderful and prayerful affirmation. Love you Trinity, whole your head up high and continue to do God’s will. I am so proud of you!! Love you!!